Synchronize groups plugin allows you to synchronize the students groups and group members within groups courses with just a single click.
Synchronizing users among multiple courses can be handy if you setup some groups in one of your course and needs to implement the same groups in other courses also.
The thing which is good with this plugin is that it makes sure that only users that are already enrolled are added as group members.
To install the plugin you need to extract the contents of the zip file into Your_Moodle_Site/admin/tool directory and visit the notifications page to complete the installation process.
To synchronize the groups among courses, you can click on the synchronize users link under Course Administration > Users tree where you can select the groups from current course you want to copy members to which target courses.
You can download the Synchronize Groups plugin from the Moodle Plugins database here –
How you share the groups within Moodle courses? Do let us know in the comments below.