Another new plugin released this week in Moodle plugins database is – “Enrolment key based self-registration” which effectively combines the email based self registration and then using the enrollment keys to enroll in a course into a single step.
As of now with the existing setup a student has to first fill out the registration page and then confirm the email through his email client. After confirmation, he has to navigate to the specific course and then enter the enrollment key to enroll himself in the course.
According to plugin description:
This auth plugin combines the best of both email based signup and self enrolment keys into a streamlined process making it much faster for students to get into a course. For the student it saves around 9-10 clicks and avoids context switching between a browser and their email client where they can become easily become disengaged or run into issues if their email is unavailable.
This plugin provides an enrollment key field on the signup page itself & if the signup token matches with any course enrolment key then the new user will be enrolled into those courses.
The installation, setup and usage instructions are mentioned in the GitHub page of the project here.
You can download your copy of Enrolment key based self-registration plugin from the Moodle plugins database here and is available for Moodle 2.7 onwards. The plugin is developed by Brendan Heywood and Nicholas Hoobin.