Auto-Scaling Moodle Architecture on Amazon Web Services (AWS 2019 Update)

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Updated on May 30th, 2019.

The original post by MediaAgility might have vanished, but the opposite is true for users looking to take their Moodle LMS to the next level on the Amazon Cloud. We have reviewed and kept the general parts that are still relevant, including the infographic. If you want up-to-date content, here are some resources:

The architecture of a Moodle site running on auto-scaling Amazon Web Services (AWS) looks like it could be a way to manage with an eye towards a rapidly changing user base or one with unpredictable traffic spikes.

I’ve dabbled with AWS hosting for Moodle and found it easy to setup with some third party tools, though this is a much more complicated arrangement. (Way above my pay grade.) But even I can instantly see the value in having an auto-scaling system that’s set to grow and contract with business cycles or year over year expansion.

According to MediaAgility,

AWS provides a highly scalable and reliable cloud hosting environment for Moodle. With features like Auto Scaling Groups, Elastic Load Balancers and CloudWatch Monitoring services, Moodle deployments on AWS can be configured to automatically scale up and down seamlessly to meet the highs and lows in the demand curve in the most optimum and cost-effective manner. This post presents reference architecture for deploying Moodle Learning Management System over AWS Cloud to achieve high levels of Performance, Scalability, Availability, Security and Reliability.

Check out the full post at MediaAgility’s website:


8 Responses

  1. Joseph, thanks for featuring this article on Moodle News. I wrote this article to address the need for a truly scalable and fault-tolerant deployment architecture of Moodle on AWS Platform.

    Options available on AWS Marketplace are simple AMIs that are great to get started. But if you need to run Moodle at a scale of thousands of users, then you need to think of a deployment that is horizontally scalable and can reap the high-scalability and availability benefits of the underlying platform.

  2. Sorry… the voice of utter frustration here, but… I see a bunch of information similar to this on the web, yet nothing on how to do this simple (and I’d assume common) moodle setup: AWS/ELB, with HTTPS terminated at the LB. Why is this so tough to do? Is it not possible? Why do so many sites that purport to have the answer, provide no meaningful answers at all?

  3. As Matt said, I have struggled to create a similar environment, but haven’t had any success. Any information on this will be highly appreciated.

  4. Unfortunately, because this is a very old post on our site, we have no way of knowing if the referring link was removed. I suggest you contact @Mediaagility via twitter directly.

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