4 Astonishingly Free Courses In The Official Moodle OER Hub

As a learning economist, I will never not be amazed by how the Open Source markets —if you can call them that— seem to run. For reasons beyond what standard microeconomic theory can explain, people keep giving stuff away for free on the web, creating incalculable amounts of value. Incalculable because, to a large extent, […]
Europe Report: Moodle Market Share Leader Almost Everywhere
Updated in 2020: While the dominant market share of Moodle remains true, the shares might show variations since 2016, the last time the source updated its report. Check out a by-country breakdown: Original, 2016 report: Self-described “craft-oriented educational technology consulting practice” MindWires is releasing their Fall 2016 Report on European LMS Market Dynamics. Spoiler alert: […]
Moodle Community Interview with Justin Hunt – The PoodLL guy #Moodle @MoodleWorld
Recently during the launch of PoodLL 3, I got a chance to interview Justin Hunt who is popularly known as the PoodLL guy where I asked him a lot of questions over PoodLL, Moodle and his future vision in his already fully packed schedule.
Back to School 2015: OER and free resources for your courses
Each year we’ve focused a bit of our September posts to helping teachers get their academic year started right. Each day this week we’ll publish a simple trick, tip or resource list which we think will help to make it easier to use Moodle in the classroom and to use it better. Building a Moodle […]
Snap theme by Moodlerooms available for download
Moodlerooms, Inc has released their Snap theme for the Moodle community through their github account. The theme is still not available under the Moodle themes directory but you can download it through this link. Snap is a new, image centric, richer Moodle experience that increases engagement through a highly intuitive navigation across all devices. According […]
2U moving off of Moodle in favor of their proprietary LMS
2U, which started off as 2Tor announced in their Q4 results call that they are working on the final steps of their transition off of Moodle as the backbone of their LMS. As previously reported on Moodlenews, 2U started using the open source learning management system early on as they started growing their private label […]
Community Funding: TimeStat Block for Moodle 2.5 and up
I’m working with a few community members to bring the TimeStat block up to date for Moodle 2.5 and 2.6. I’m working directly with the original maintainer/developer, Łukasz Sanokowski, who will do the development. If you’re not familiar with the block, TimeStat is one of the only blocks which created insight directly to the amount of […]
Architecture of Open Source Applications: Moodle (by @tim_hunt)
The Architecture of Open Source Applications, Volume II: Structure, Scale, and a Few More Fearless Hacks, a book edited by Amy Brown and Greg Wilson, is about the thinking and process behind many popular open source applications. Each chapter is written by an expert of the software, for Moodle this expert is Tim Hunt (@tim_hunt) […]
Breaking: Dimdim to discontinue free accounts and open source project in acquisition
Great news for Dimdim staff and founders, but bad news perhaps for most of Dimdim’s paid and open source users: Dimdim was acquired by Salesforce.com according to a recent announcement. Dimdim has been available as a Moodle integration for several years and is the first conference tool that I cut my teeth on in 2007. […]