How To Install Canvas LMS by Instructure For Free — Is It Worth The Trouble?

Canvas by Instructure is the most popular LMS in U.S. Higher Education today. But even if your organization is not a top LMS spender, you can still find out what all the fuss is about.
Open LMS To Release Moodle™ Open Source Plugins For Free, Plans To Go Fully Open Source By 2022

Updated on Dec. 22. Open LMS is announcing the initial list of open source plugins available to all Moodle™ users. To date, 65 plugins have been made available, 24 of them since October. However, the company’s internal goal to release everything by December 31 will not be accomplished. This includes most notably the Personalized Learning […]
Hard Truths About Becoming An Open EdTech Entrepreneur
I was the mentor of an up-and-coming middle management planner in an ASEAN country. Mentor is a huge word: I more or less make sure she keeps her professional goals in order and on track. A few weeks ago, an European firm keen to jump into the space reached out to her with the offer […]
Does EdX’s Aquisition By 2U Suddenly Bring An Open Source Superpower In The LMS Space Race?
So a funny M&A operation happened… In a deal totaling $800 million USD, Online Program Manager (OPM) 2U will become the owner of MOOC platform edX, competitor to familar Coursera and developer of the Open edX platform, understood by some to be an LMS. The purchase, however, does not include the technology, but “the brand, […]
Will Chamilo Become The Top Open Source LMS By The End Of The Decade? Exclusive Interview With Yannick Warnier, President

Imagine Yannick Warnier tells you “I make the easiest, friendliest Learning Management System possible.” Chances are you find him intriguing, amusing perhaps. Now, imagine he also tells you he wants his LMS to be always free and open source. How do your react? Chances are he has seen your reaction. He will likely keep his […]
Moodle™ 3.11, A Step-Up To The Open Source LMS 4.0 Generation

Disponible en Español The final version of the 3.0 generation of Moodle™, the most widely used Learning Management System, Open Source or else, comes with a couple of welcome enhancements that, while still valuable on their own, have a more significant role as gateways to Moodle™ 4.0, the highly anticipated new release, expected by the […]
MoodleMoot México 2021 Online: Pirámide Escalonada Hacia la Sabiduría Divina del Software Libre
Moodlemoot México es la conferencia sobre Moodle, el sistema LMS número uno del mundo. que este año se dará de manera virtual. Fiel a la tradición MoodleMoot, el evento, a celebrarse entre el 17 y 19 de junio, es una confluencia de líderes, expertos en desarrollo, educación y diseño instruccional, casos de éxito y espacios […]
Six Best Course Completion Reporting Plugins for Moodle LMS

Running an e-Learning website on Moodle is not easy. The users of e-Learning sites spend a lot more time on-site than the users of any other kind of website because they’re trying to learn something new. And if they don’t get an optimum Moodle experience during their learning time on site, it’s obvious that they […]
Moodle Updates Free Mobile App Plans, Limits On Push Notification, Offline Content Access (Updated)

Updated on November 11. Moodle has announced that it will officially discontinue Moodle Desktop on May, 2021. Existing customers of Branded Moodle Applications will continue to receive basic maintenance and security updates until the validity of their existing contract. Mobile apps for the Android and iOS mobile operating system will continue to be available as […]
Open LMS Status Update: Managing Director Phillip Miller On Elearning Leadership Today

They were transitioning times for Open LMS —formerly Blackboard Open LMS— when the company announced the move from its Reston, Virginia parent to a new home under the encompassing roof of London-based Learning Technologies Group (LTG). Then, in a matter of days, the pandemic struck, bringing along drastic global lockdowns, school closures, then a sweeping […]