10 Unusual Ways To Improve Your Focus While Learning
Focus is the mental effort you direct towards whatever you are learning or working on at the moment. Factors such as age, brain injuries, mental health conditions, hunger, stress, and
Focus is the mental effort you direct towards whatever you are learning or working on at the moment. Factors such as age, brain injuries, mental health conditions, hunger, stress, and
Elegidas por el equipo Edu Labs Nos unimos a la conmemoración del Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, destacando a 8 de las mujeres más influyentes en el mundo
Disponible en Español Background Edu Labs, an eLearning services company and a certified Moodle Partner in Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico, wanted to offer a plagiarism prevention solution that could be
Available in English Antecedentes: Edu Labs, empresa de servicios de elearning y un Socio Certificado de Moodle para Colombia, Ecuador y México, tenía interés en ofrecer una solución de prevención
Two of the most popular integrations for LMS and elearning platforms have partnered up to provide state-of-the-art analytics on how students behave in virtual rooms and livestreaming settings, unlocking new
Here’s another positive attribute of storytelling: It prevents commoditization. Unless people do not find an emotional connection with whatever you are offering, they will not see a reason not to
It was about time. Poodll, the encompassing language and media solution, is officially a Moodle Certified Integration. It is an acknowledgement of the contributions Poodll has made to the Open
Updated in February, 2021. Skip to minute 6 in the video to start watching. And join the MoodleMoot Philippines 2021 website to see Motrain in action, and earn enough MoodlePesos
Por Edu Labs Durante el 2020 fuimos testigos de cómo las dinámicas de la educación cambiaron radicalmente. Y en este 2021 lo seguirán haciendo. ¿Cómo debemos prepararnos para responder a
The Open EdTech union of the decade is not the idyllic marriage story we hoped it would be. Something has been lost. There is grieving, anger, denial.