Accessible Pulse: 2021 Recap
Welcome to the Accessibility Hub 2021 Recap: Tips, Compliance and the Roadmap from WCAG 2 to 3. Here’s what made the news in accessibility and eLearning in 2021: The case
Welcome to the Accessibility Hub 2021 Recap: Tips, Compliance and the Roadmap from WCAG 2 to 3. Here’s what made the news in accessibility and eLearning in 2021: The case
Welcome to LMSPulse Business Hub. Moves, Shakes, Mergers, Acquisitions and More.
The Moodle™ 3.11 core team thought users wouldn’t miss the checkboxes. As it turns out, those little squares that would signal students things that were completed and things left to
I was the mentor of an up-and-coming middle management planner in an ASEAN country. Mentor is a huge word: I more or less make sure she keeps her professional goals
My guest today is Hithakshi Kotyan, Senior Learning & Development Specialist for Priceline. If you were or are a part of the travel industry —one of the hardest hit sectors
Desde 2003, Sentis es una de las principales voces de la comunidad de seguridad australiana. Con más de 160.000 personas que participan en sus programas de cultura de la seguridad, es fácil ver por qué.
Here in this new, experimental Hub, we publish facts and arguments and evolve our understanding alongside evidence. So is TikTok fundamentally good or fundamentally bad? Let’s find the nuances together.
Updated on December 1, 2021 The recently 2018 Pew Research Center’s “Teens, Social Media & Technology” report follows a survey of the evolving habits of teens (aged 13 to 17)
The pandemic has got the whole world in a cage. We all had to get used to a new reality. Some people were somewhat ready for it due to great
My guest for today is Ben Jones, the Learning and Development Manager for Allambi Care, an institution based in New South Wales, Australia that provides care for some of the world’s most vulnerable children.