Si las tendencias de uso de Kahoot (o Kahoot!) continúan, una de las pocas apps educativas que acapara la atención de los estudiantes como un adictivo juego cualquiera, no solo seguirá acompañando los salones virtuales de más estudiantes alrededor del mundo. También alcanzará un completamente merecido ingreso a la bolsa de valores Noruega, país en el que fue creada en 2012.
My guest for today’s episode is Svein-Tore Griff With, the mastermind behind H5P, the popular, free and open source tool to create interactive content. In a very short time, H5P
Finding the right education path can be overwhelming for many people. These days, there are options galore and a growing number of factors to consider, like cost, accessibility, and the
2020 is, at last, a wrap. Behold the plugins for the Moodle LMS that, according to loving users, made the most progress in the last 12 months and the reason
By Team Stoplight Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs, allow separate systems or apps to communicate and exchange data with one another. It’s a simple but powerful ability, whose impact on
OpenLMS está liderando el relanzamiento de E-Learn Magazine, una publicación que fomentó una comunidad de debates reflexivos, perspectivas y consejos prácticos para la comunidad de LMS. Solo que esta vez, el esfuerzo es más audaz.
Updated on October 28, 2020. Are you also looking to start teaching an online MOOC course? Maybe a Free and Open Learning Management System can help! Getting all the ingredients
As peculiar as the current crisis is, roads to recovery follow a historical beat. Universities and other society’s thought centers move first. First, they gather data and share results and
Presented by Poodll, the best language speaking tools for the Moodle LMS. Get an exclusive $150 USD coupon for Poodll Essentials Plus and enjoy unlimited interactivity — Ask now Adapted