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Open Source Encryption Still Rocks!

In 2016, Jonathan Moore, Founder of Elearning Consultancy, later My Learning Consultants, now Moodle™ US, shared a presentation on encrypting and protecting your Moodle™ site for free by using Let’s

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4 Imperativos de diseño para un esquema de aprendizaje eficaz

“En la industria, las cosas se reconocen como herramientas o trucos que impulsan el aprendizaje y un cambio de comportamiento. El problema es que pueden exagerarse y aplicarse mal. Un buen aprendizaje es, simplemente: práctica basada en la evidencia sobre lo que funciona aplicado en el contexto correcto por las razones correctas”.
-Ella Richardson, directora de Diseño de Aprendizaje, LEO Learning

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4 Design Imperatives for Effective Learning Design

“In the industry, things become recognized as tools or tricks that serve to drive learning and behavior change. The problem is that they can become hyped up and misapplied. What good learning is, quite simply: evidence-based practice on what works applied in the right context for the right reasons.”
-Ella Richardson, Director of Learning Design, LEO Learning

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