What ‘Adaptable’ Means when Managing Teams with Kirsten Rourke

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Hello everyone! My name is Ladek and my guest for today is Kirsten Rourke. She has been an eLearning and development speaker, technical trainer and consultant since 2000. She owns and operates Rourke Training, which provides speaking and training services. When not playing video games obsessively or singing show tunes mostly on-key, she works as a consultant and speaker helping others develop presenting and training skills using her Prep, Practice, and Pivot model. She can be found presenting at industry events, such as DevLearn or at

In this ‘stage-present’ conversation Kirsten and I talk about

00:00 › Start

01:55 › Kirsten’s Path—for the past 20 years working with people to help them adapt to the moment by presenting training situations and working on online spaces to create engagement with audiences

04:22 › Kirsten’s Tricks—Examples of how to communicate effectively in hybrid work situations, a critical skill for anyone asked to adapt to this new way of working without receiving any support

09:10 › Kirsten’s Adaptable Tips—Based on Kirsten’s experience, what is her recommendation about how to adapt faster or acquire needed skills for remote workers? 

14:26 › Watch Her Do It—How does Kirsten navigate adaptability in eLearning projects? Does she focus on budget, team dynamics or something else?  And, in the age of ChatGPT and Google, how do these tools allow instructors or teachers to adapt faster in L&D?

21:25 › The New Role—How can instructors or librarians get ready to create the muscle of adaptability in the learning space?

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