My guest for today is German Rojas, Director of Global Consulting Services at Open LMS.
In this insightful conversation German and I talk about
😅 What exactly Open LMS professional services are about, and how our clients and other actors leverage them in the open source space. We also discuss when a common request becomes a “feature,” and when his team has says “no” to a request
🎓 The future of education, now that we’re fully in the new hybrid reality, especially focusing on lifelong learning and professional development; and the trends the pandemic accelerated
💽 What we can do as eLearning professionals to assuage the overwhelm of constant, rapid change, technology anxiety in particular
📖 How your ability to learn, and your openness to learning in general is a critical job skill for the future, and how this evolves (or not) the roles of HR professionals in corporations and HigherEd
💖 We end up talking about what German is excited about for the near future