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Moodle 2.0

Update: Moodle 2.0 is out.  Officially released November 24th, 2010 and available for download: You can get your hands on a book highlighting all the new features and tools

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Moodle Mobile is an important milestone in the evolution of Moodle LMS.  Here’s a breakdown of the mobile projects and products available to you and your site. ¹While this requires

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Terms of Use

We created because we love Learning Management Systems and want to be active, contributing members of the open source community. If you continue to browse and use this website,

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Uncle Moodle wants YOU to write for Moodle News. We post on a daily (weekday) basis about freshest and most exciting developments from the Moodle community.  But we can’t do

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About Us

We are eLearn Magazine About Us Passionate about the future of Education? eLearn Magazine has you covered Since 2015, eLearn Magazine has been a voice of authority in the Education,

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