How To Plug Outcomes From Interactive H5P Activities Into The Moodle Gradebook

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H5P has received an open and warm embrace by the Moodleverse. It might be time you too learned how to adopt it into your Course.

H5P offers a number of snappy interactive “content types,” fulfilling a variety of interactive experiences. If the type can provide information about user performance, chances are it can be compatible with the Moodle Gradebook.

Here is an example that shows how easy it is to add interactive content into the grading. It uses a demo Moodle 3.3 site.

To set up an H5P content type with the Gradebook, take the following steps. (You’ll need to be an admin or teacher with permissions.)

1. Install the H5P plugin and add a compatible content type to a Moodle Course (such as an H5P Quiz).

How To Plug Outcomes From Interactive H5P Activities Into The Moodle Gradebook
Just created the world’s easiest (and silliest) arithmetic quiz using the “Single Choice set” H5P content type.

If the H5P Content Type is compatible with grading, all there is left to do is to set up the Gradebook. A handy menu option is available right from the dashboard’s gear.

How To Plug Outcomes From Interactive H5P Activities Into The Moodle Gradebook
Accessing the Gradebook. In this 1-activity course example, 100% of the weight of the final grade goes to my H5P Quiz.

That’s all! As you might have glimpsed there are lots of options to enrich the experience for students. While not every H5P content type is compatible with the Moodle Gradebook, the team has confirmed they are working diligently to increase the number of types that can offer a score to the Moodle Gradebook automatically.

How To Plug Outcomes From Interactive H5P Activities Into The Moodle Gradebook
The scariest quiz ever!

H5P is completely compatible with the advanced grading methods available in the Moodle Gradebook. H5P content types can be set up as extra-credit, for example. Support for rubrics is also possible.

What are you waiting for? You can create new H5P content, or add from the library, available from the H5P picker right within Moodle. You can also share your own H5P creations with the community!

Install or download the H5P plugin from the official Moodle directory page here.

moodlerooms-logoThis Moodle Practice related post is made possible by: MoodleRooms the open source learning experience by Blackboard. Rediscover Moodle. Click here to learn more.


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