Moodle Mobile is an important milestone in the evolution of Moodle LMS. Here’s a breakdown of the mobile projects and products available to you and your site.
¹While this requires a download/app purchase, it also requires an installation to your Moodle server.
²mTouch is working to develop a comprehensive, all OS application [source]
I can’t find any reference to Android on the mTouch website. Have you tried the Android version?
mPage doesn’t have an Android version just yet, by the looks of it. The website says “Android (coming)”.
I’ve tried both the mPage and mBot apps for Android (they are available in the Android Marketplace). Reviews are based on those experiences unless otherwise stated. For mTouch you can create a shortcut to the mtouch-U site which I used to test as a web app for Android via the browser.
Need to make a correction. mTouch does not have a native Android version. mTouch-U which is located at is our mobile web application which can be used from Android devices through the web browser.
Ali, you’re correct, what I had done is created a shortcut to the mTouch-U landing page (so it looks and feels like an app on my home screens). I just use that shortcut to access mTouch-U through the standard browser.
Thanks to Moodlenews for summing up all mobile-solution for moodle.
I’m using the Mobile Learning Environment (MLE) for my Moodle server (1.9.12) and it works pretty good. It runs on all plattforms and devices and the users don’t need to install/buy an app. I only customize the design and it was ready to go.
For Moodle 2.0 i tested the ‘mymobile’ theme:
It is the best mobile solution i have seen by now and i will use this one when i switch to Moodle 2.0
I think it’s very important that the users do not need to install an app and the mobile access has to work on all plattforms.
Ralf, I’d be interested in seeing your themed MLE for Moodle 1.9. It’s one of my favorite mobile apps/services for Moodle, seeing what someone else has done with it would be great.
If you want to target iOS devices and support file uploads native app is a must until Apple allows file uploads from Mobile Safari. Other platforms has their own limitations about file uploads and downloads as well.
Hello Joseph
Like Ralph I used MLE up until the mymobile theme became available.
We now have our Moodle 2 site running and John Stabinger’s theme is being tried. While it represents a significant improvement it is not the finished article, and I am looking forward to seeing what the ‘official’ mobile moodle will bring.
The question I’m asking myself now is,(after a couple of years concerning myself with the php!) how can students make the most of mobile moodle access? What resources and activities are best suited to mobile use? And how can teachers and students make the most of the interactive social tools on the phone, camera, video, IM, Twitter etc? Unless we come up with some good ideas the back room work will go to waste.
Once again many thanks for keeping us all up to speed on this.
Please add my Moodle Android app to the list:
Ending development of the “My Moodle” native apps
There will no longer be any development on the current iOS app “My Moodle” (or the unfinished Android clone of it). The iOS app will continue to be available in the Apple Store and should continue working for a long time yet.
The Objective-C code for the iOS app has been released under the GPL:
You are free to use it to build your own apps (just be careful with the Moodle trademark).
Developing “Moodle Mobile” on HTML5 and Phonegap
We have contracted Juan Leyva has been contracted to lead development of his HTML5+Phonegap app (currently called Unofficial Moodle Mobile). The new app will be called ‘Moodle Mobile’. more my moodle native app developements?? ;(
I’m curious to see if the Moodle Mobile HTML5 site ever came about. I tried to check it out a little but didn’t really find anything that showed that much. I definitely wish that you guys had an iOS app as they always seem to run a little better than HTML 5 webpages. The other thing I like about native apps is the fact that I don’t have to rely on an Internet connection which definitely makes a native of little bit easier to use in some circumstances. Love the idea of your have and would love an update.
Couldn’t find the necessary IOS dev info at:
The Objective-C code for the iOS app has been released under the GPL:
Are there any new IOS developer’s info on the site?
Regarding: Creation of a quiz app for Android platform in which Moodle can be integrated.
Is it possible to make an application in which UI is all Android(it’s material design) and it uses the API’s of Moodle for the functionality part? Is this kind of integration between Moodle and Android possible? If it is, can anyone tell me how exactly it can be done.
Rohan, have you looked at Moodle Mobile? It uses webservices to connect to Moodle sites so the functionality you’re looking for sounds like it might be there. The app/code is open source so it might be a good place to start: