Dear Mr Moodle,
I’m an admin for our Moodle 3.2 site. I have been asked to restrict gradebook settings access to teachers but don’t know how. I have been instructed that only admin and managers have access to gradebook settings.
Please help!
A big thank you!!
Dear Melissa,
As you have experienced, teachers have complete access to the Gradebook for the courses they teach. Admins can, however, go into the code and edit these permissions, In Moodle development lingo, these are called “capabilities.”
To manage the details of what any kind of user can do or view, you need to look into their specific capabilities. Take a look at the index of capabilities for Moodle 3.2 here. (Bear in mind it’s three pages long.) So if you are looking to either prevent teachers from editing the gradebook, or barring access to it completely, you might need to review capabilities associated with grades. Below I include some of the capabilities that are enabled for teachers by default, but I recommend you look at the index for yourself.
to edit grades and lock individual gradesmod/assign:grade
to see and commentmod/assign:managegrades
to review and release gradesmod/assign:releasegrades
to release gradesmod/assign:reviewgrades
to review gradesmoodle/course:managegrades
to determine student and assignment availability in the gradebookmoodle/grade:hide
to hide or show individual gradesmoodle/grade:manage
to create, edit, lock, hide, and delete items in the gradebookmoodle/grade:override
To manage the capabilities of the roles, go to the editing role page available at Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles
More on Managing Roles in Moodle 3.2 here.
Keep in mind that any change you make will apply to every user with that role. Moodle lets you reset any changes to the default, but my personal recommendation is to keep the default roles as they are and instead create custom roles with the specific capabilities that your site needs and switch teachers to the new role.
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