File trash is a report plugin utility which can be used for listing, downloading and deleting orphaned files. Orphaned files are the file which are no longer referenced in the files db table but still present in the Moodledata and/or backup directory.
The files in the Moodle data folder and backup folders are referenced in the “files” table in the database. If you view the folders themselves you will find the sha1 hash code under which the file has been saved and referenced in the database.
This utility is very helpful for Moodle admins as it enables you to find the list of files which are present on your disk but not used in any course. This report enables you to immediately receive a list of orphaned files together with the file type and size. If you want to delete the files by selecting the checkbox besides the filename and then clicking the delete button at the bottom of the page.
You can download the File Trash utility from this Moodle plugins link:
The plugin supports all Moodle version from Moodle 2.5 onwards. More information about the installation/uninstallation instructions about the File Trash report utility can be found here: