Accessibility Update: Get To Know These Free Tools Already On Your Devices (GAAD 2024 Update)

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Global Accessibility Awareness Day may just be over, but our interest —and fight— for universally accessible, world-class learning experiences is year-round.

In the spirit of “help one, benefit everyone,” in this guide you can find all the resources available in the most popular tools, software and devices, including of course eLearning platforms and Learning Management Systems.

Open LMS and Moodle™

As a Moodle™-based platform, Open LMS is covered by the open source LMS’ conformance.


The number of tools and accessibility features by the tech giant is massive. We’re featuring some of them here. Check out the unabridged list of products and features at



  • Access your settings to edit text, or enable the quick setting on your quick top menu, to enlarge text sizes quickly or load up a magnifier window.
  • Similarly, you can enable high-contrast and dark theme.
  • Add a hearing aid quickly, and get notifications for sounds you hear outside.
  • Get a flashing light for notifications.
  • Use apps like Lookout, Voice Access, Accessibility Suite, and Live Transcribe to access a variety of AI tools that tell you what is on your screen or in your surroundings, and give you control over it.
  • Learn more and get help at


For developers




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