Extended Reality Technology Trends in Digital Content
When it comes to immersive tech, there are three major players on the scene. These are augmented reality, virtual reality, and mixed reality. Learn more about these trending technologies in digital content.
Cómo el 2020 cambió el futuro del contenido educativo digital
Lea sobre las tendencias de contenido digital y cómo el 2020 cambió para siempre el futuro del contenido educativo digital.
9 Student-Centered Learning Trends for Higher Education Institutions to Follow
Creating a student-centered approach in your learning environment promises to help improve learner engagement and increase knowledge retention. But in an age where we’re increasingly utilizing technology in our classrooms, it’s difficult to keep up with the pace of innovation in higher education.
9 cosas importantes que hemos aprendido sobre la educación a distancia durante la cuarentena
Reino Unido, Para todos nosotros, los últimos seis meses (marzo-agosto de 2020) han sido un reto para nuestra vida laboral y familiar, y el aprendizaje corporativo no es una excepción. Describimos la travesía que hemos realizado con nuestros clientes en tres fases: Fase 1: “Ayúdenos a instruir virtualmente y cara a cara todo nuestro aprendizaje […]
Australia’s Education Boosts the Country’s Economy
Quick take: Over the next 10 years, Australian primary and secondary schools will receive billions of dollars worth of investments. However, the government still argues there’s a need to rationalize expenditure in higher education in order to keep it sustainable.