How to test your Moodle site performance?

Moodle site administrators always strife to improve the Moodle site  performance to deliver a better user experience. As a Moodle administrator, you need to continuously monitor the hardware as well  as software performance. But, can you check the Moodle performance through a GUI within Moodle. The answer is Benchmark Plugin for Moodle. Mickaël PANNEQUIN from […]

Get a more intuitive course dashboard for your Moodle learners #Moodleplugins

Moodle 3.3 introduces a brand new improved dashboard with improved features to check their course progress and view upcoming deadlines. The new improved course dashboard was contributed by Moodle User’s Association. Moodle’s improved course overview dashboard has details about past, in progress and future courses, with radial progress indicator and upcoming deadlines. However, there is […]

New Moodle 3.3 Entity Relationship ERD Diagram now available #Moodle3.3

An entity relationship model, also called an entity-relationship – ERD diagram, is a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other. ERD Diagrams are typically used in computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or information systems. ERD diagram for Moodle 3.3 Marcus green – Contributor of popular Moodle plugins […]

Interested in Multi Tenancy with Moodle? Check out the latest IOMAD 3.3 @iomad_stuff

Multi-tenancy with Moodle is the extension of the Moodle services to create multiple versions of the LMS from one LMS instance. Multi-tenancy is an architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers. In a multi-tenant architecture, all the customers are called as tenants. You can allow the tenants to customize […]

Moodle Gamification – Now enable trading of stash items in your course with Stash block #Moodle

Gamification in online elearning courses can help motivate students and increase the course participation. Gamification is all about stories. You need to gamify your Moodle course by creating section for onboarding, progress mechanics, storytelling and finally rewarding the students. There are many ways to incorporate gamification in your Moodle course. Moodle developers have also developed […]

How to embed an H5P activity in Moodle #MoodleTips

H5P has revolutionized the elearning industry in past few years because of the freedom to create interactive content easily. It is getting more popular day by day because of the ease it provides in creating, sharing and reusing the interactive content. Since the release of the official H5P moodle plugin, it stays in the top […]

How to use Moodle for paper and pencil – offline quiz? #Moodletips

Moodle Quiz engine is one of the best among the all available learning management systems. You can customize Moodle quizzes to meet all sector specific requirements from small individual students to large universities, from STEM to language and music teaching etc. But have you ever need to use Moodle for offline quizzes? For example, let’s […]