Get your own branded Moodle Mobile app – preconfigured #MoodleMobile

Moodle is focusing on getting more mobile friendly user interface and the new mobile app is a hug push in that direction with a lot of offline features and capabilities. Vidya Mantra  EduSystems, the latest Moodle partner from India have come up with a new service – Moodle Mobile App builder, to get your own […]

Moodle 3.1"Early Bird" award goes to 110 plugins #Moodle

Moodle 3.1 Plugins triathlon is finished and 110 plugins are eligible to receive the “Early Bird 3.1” award. For Moodle 3.0 the total number of plugins receiving the Early Bird award were 81 as covered here. You can check out the list of plugins receiving the award here.

Moodle 3.1 adds support for external Antivirus tool #Moodle #Antivirus

Moodle has supported ClamAV from the era of Moodle 1.3 and by default, ClamAV was the only antivirus tool available for Moodle sites. In Moodle 3.1, a new plugin type is added to incorporate external Antivirus plugins developer by different service providers (see our previous coverage over the Moodle Tracker issue here.)

Display questions marked correct/wrong on subsequent attempts in Quiz #Moodle

Moodle Quiz is a best way to evaluate the students understanding about the learning in your course. Few months ago, someone asked in Moodle forums about displaying “just those questions that were answered incorrectly on the previous attempt” if ‘when each attempt builds on the last’ is selected as the question behavior in quiz settings.