Valor a la Comunidad Moodle, la Fuerza que Une A Edu Labs con Turnitin

Available in English Antecedentes: Edu Labs, empresa de servicios de elearning y un Socio Certificado de Moodle para Colombia, Ecuador y México, tenía interés en ofrecer una solución de prevención de plagio que pudiera integrarse en el Sistema Moodle. Edu Labs y Turnitin, Integrador Premium Certificado en Moodle, descubrieron intereses en común cuando ambas empresas […]

You Don’t Have to Wait Until Graduation to Start Your Elearning Career

Be it as an engineer, IT professional, an Educator or Instructional Designer, earning a degree is always a fine step toward launching your career. But it is not the only way to give yourself professional leverage. In a lot of cases, for example, experience is much more valuable and better regarded. Not to mention, remunerated. […]

Custom V Off-the-shelf Training Management Software: What’s Right For Your Business?

Custom V Off-the-shelf Training Management Software: What’s Right For Your Business?

By Arlo TeamArlo is a Sponsor of the eLearning Success Summit There is no one-size fits all approach when it comes to software for managing training businesses. For small, internal team training, a simple scheduling and logistics tool would suffice, without the need for e-commerce or finance and accounting. For medium to large commercial businesses […]

How To Choose The Right Online Courses For Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is about taking the time and making a commitment to invest in your future to become the best version of yourself. It requires you to reflect on your skills and capabilities while considering how they relate to your life goals. Self-improvement supports honing new skills and helps you identify ways to build the strengths […]

8 Tendencias del eLearning para el 2021

Por Edu Labs Durante el 2020 fuimos testigos de cómo las dinámicas de la educación cambiaron radicalmente. Y en este 2021 lo seguirán haciendo. ¿Cómo debemos prepararnos para responder a las necesidades actuales y futuras de nuestros estudiantes, de manera ágil? Acorde a esta nueva realidad, en Edu Labs, como compañía especializada en eLearning desde […]

9 Best Ways Technology Can Help Prospective Students Try Out A Career Before Deciding

How technology can help students try out a career before deciding

By Bella, Assignment Expert Technology never ceases to provide exciting experiences for students. Increasingly, many students around the world are able to benefit not just from entertaining content, but also valuable educational activities. Plus, the more familiar and comfortable with technology they get, especially in the business world, the more employable they become in the […]

Six Best Course Completion Reporting Plugins for Moodle LMS

Six Best Course Completion Reporting Plugins for Moodle LMS

Running an e-Learning website on Moodle is not easy. The users of e-Learning sites spend a lot more time on-site than the users of any other kind of website because they’re trying to learn something new.  And if they don’t get an optimum Moodle experience during their learning time on site, it’s obvious that they […]

A Degree Isn’t The Only Way To Launch A Successful eLearning Career

If you’ve made it to adulthood without a college degree, you may be wondering if you can get ahead in your career without one. The answer is yes! How about in online learning or EdTech? A doubly resounding yes! Crossing the path, of course, does take work. Whereas a degree gives you the “benefits” of […]