What’s New for Learning Management Systems?

Introduction A learning management system (LMS) is software that provides training in a workplace – it comes from e-learning and is essentially an upgrade. Rather than sending out links to e-learning courses and expecting employees to complete them, an LMS can track progress, send reminders and feed information back to the employers.  These analytics are […]

10 Años de Edu Labs, Promoviendo Tecnología y Cultura del Aprendizaje en América Latina

BOGOTÁ — Edu Labs celebra 10 años apoyando a sus clientes del sector educativo, corporativo y estatal en la puesta en marcha de sus proyectos de educación virtual a través de un amplio portafolio que integra su moderna plataforma de aprendizaje LMS (Learning Management System – Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje), consultoría especializada y soluciones […]

Off-The-Shelf Vs A Custom-Made LMS: Which Is The Right One For You?

Off-The-Shelf Vs A Custom-Made LMS Which Is The Right One For You

The beginning of an elearning project can be an exciting and auspicious time. As an insider, it rings all too true whenever a young and motivated team wants to “disrupt” the space with groundbreaking new tech. Their unwillingness to compromise is inspiring, while also the subject of wagers as to when and how reality will […]

Why Hire a Professional Voice Over for Your eLearning Project? The 3 Key Reasons

Elearning Success Summit 2021 Community Submission by David Gilbert. Submit your own! Join ESS 2021 on Slack. “Voice” is a powerful word that conveys much more than just the sound waves we can make. We also use “voice” to denote character, opinion, expression, inclusion. After all the effort and money invested in a proper LMS […]

The Arlo plugin for Moodle, Engagement and You

The Arlo plugin for Moodle, Engagement and You

. Presented by Arlo, sponsor of the eLearning Sucess Summit: Cracking the Code on Learner Engagement. Arlo makes engaging training and event management a breeze. Promote, sell and deliver your events or courses with Arlo! visit to learn more. Arlo for Moodle is the top plugin for commercial training providers who are looking to […]

10 Unusual Ways To Improve Your Focus While Learning

Unusual Ways to Improve Your Focus While Learning

Focus is the mental effort you direct towards whatever you are learning or working on at the moment. Factors such as age, brain injuries, mental health conditions, hunger, stress, and lack of sleep can affect one’s ability to focus while learning. Others are social media, text messages, emails, and a wandering mind. You could use […]

8 Mujeres Influyentes en el eLearning

En Edu Labs nos unimos a la conmemoración del Día Internacional de la Mujer, destacando a 8 de las mujeres más influyentes en el mundo del eLearning actualmente.

Elegidas por el equipo Edu Labs Nos unimos a la conmemoración del Mes de la Historia de la Mujer, destacando a 8 de las mujeres más influyentes en el mundo del eLearning actualmente. Algunos de los enlaces conducen a sitios en inglés. Jane Bozart es la Directora de Investigación de eLearning Guild, una de las […]

Edu Labs and Turnitin Join Forces to Provide Added Value to Moodle Community

Disponible en Español Background Edu Labs, an eLearning services company and a certified Moodle Partner in Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico, wanted to offer a plagiarism prevention solution that could be integrated into the Moodle Learning Management System. Edu Labs and Turnitin discovered common grounds when both companies realized there was a mutual goal: To support […]