Cybersecs Pulse: 2021 Recap
Welcome to Cybersecs Pulse: Cybersecurity, privacy, digital rights and more. Whose school fell in the ransomware trap this week? Find out here!
Accessible Pulse: 2021 Recap
Welcome to the Accessibility Hub 2021 Recap: Tips, Compliance and the Roadmap from WCAG 2 to 3. Here’s what made the news in accessibility and eLearning in 2021: The case against overlays W3C Accessibility Education Framework Accessibility Summit WCAG 3 Drafts The case against Userway? Why accessibility practitioners dislike overlays Are accessibility overlays, the likes […]
SDG Pulse: The Year In Sustainable Development Goals, Education (SDG 4) And eLearning
Welcome to SDG Pulse, the intersection between Elearning and Sustainability Development Goals, particularly SDG №4. Here we keep track of the ways in which the eLearning Industry is (or is not) promoting economic development and social justice. Welcome!
TikTok FactFind: The Michael Vaugh AKA @world.shaker Interview

Here in this new, experimental Hub, we publish facts and arguments and evolve our understanding alongside evidence. So is TikTok fundamentally good or fundamentally bad? Let’s find the nuances together. Previously on TikTok FactFind With his views on parenting, his emerging voice on all things Aussie kids show Bluey, and just his wholesome, amicable self, […]
Gestión ‘Ambidiestra’ de un Aprendizaje 360°, Seguro y Auténtico: Los Mejores Momentos del MoodleMoot Colombia 2021
La comunidad de Moodle™ se reunió el pasado 28 y 29 de octubre para realizar el evento número 12 de MoodleMoot Colombia 2021. En esta oportunidad, los asistentes compartieron experiencias y consejos para el uso de la plataforma libre y gratuita Moodle™. Esta edición se enfocó en el aprendizaje híbrido. A continuación te presentamos un […]
LMS — Let Me See These Plugins! October Moodle™ LMS Plugin Roundup

The following plugins are compatible at least with Moodle 3.10. Level up! by Fred Massart Add gamification to your Moodle™ site! Create a different and fun learning experience with course levels. With this plugin the teacher can automatically assign points to the students so they can level up. Snap Theme Snap is a Moodle™ theme that […]
Meta-Analysis Review: How Many (New) Normals?
Check our all Meta-Analysis Reviews here. The implementation of educational technologies in education has become a “New Normal.” It’s inevitable for me to think about the statistical perspective of “Normal,” which makes an implication on the way things are distributed, in nature, society, classrooms and well, us. If a phenomena is normal —that is, normally […]
Image Choice, Crossword Puzzle Interactivity Types Coming To Free Authoring App H5P | H5Pulse

Welcome to the H5P Hub! Check out the latest about the best free and open interactivity standard that’s taking the elearning world by storm. Are you an H5P Creator? Do you use the H5P Hub? Do you offer H5P Design, Training, Tutoring, Consulting or related services? We need you for our H5P Services Directory V1.0. […]
Which One To Choose? Why Not All! New Moodle™ Plugins Of September

With so many Moodle™ plugins available, it often gets to a point where searching for what you need is overwhelming. Over the years, we have compiled the add-ons that are most popular, functional and easy to implement. This is another compilation of well-rated plugins by the Moodle™ community, updated and compatible with Moodle™ 3.10. Session […]
5 Temas Clave Sobre El Elearning Según Moisés Wasserman | Pulso Latino
Este es tu Pulso Latino, un espacio donde encontrarás noticias y reportajes sobre lo que ocurre con la educación en América Latina. En este Pulso: Invitado por Davivienda, el rector de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2006-20112) reconoció avances en la democratización de la educación de calidad, y el papel de las tecnologías: Transformación digital: […]