3 principios esenciales para el diseño de experiencias significativas en eLearning

Hoy en día vemos cambios y crecimientos más rápidos en la manera en la que se crean y se ofrecen experiencias de formación en línea como nunca antes en los últimos años. Con tantos cambios en un margen de tiempo tan corto, la tarea de generar experiencias de aprendizaje significativas puede ser agobiante. Para poder […]

3 Essential Principles for Designing Meaningful eLearning Experiences

We’ve seen more rapid growth and change in the way online learning experiences are created and delivered in the last few years than ever before. With so much change happening in such a short span of time, being tasked with creating meaningful learning experiences can be overwhelming. In order to design and deliver learning that […]

Las Microcredenciales y su impacto en el éxito de la educación del futuro

Frente al panorama moderno de la educación, son cada vez más las instituciones y organizaciones que adoptan nuevos esquemas de aprendizaje distribuidos, accesibles y adaptables para sus estudiantes.
La experimentación del uso de tecnologías que aportan nuevos mecanismos de participación entre estudiantes y docentes, abren nuevas ventanas a formas innovadoras de evaluar la capacidad del aprendizaje, creando enfoques profesionales con mejor orientación hacia el futuro laboral.

Microcredentials and Their Impact on the Success of Future Education

More and more institutions and organizations are adopting new distributed, accessible, and adaptable learning models for their students. Experimenting with technologies that provide new means of participation between students and teachers, opens new doors to innovative ways of assessing learning ability, creating professional approaches that better align to the needs of the future workforce.

Dirección Creativa en eLearning: Entrevista con Kristian Terry

“¿Quién es Kristian Terry?” Al momento de iniciar la entrevista, con Kristian encontramos rápidamente varios puntos en común. Uno de los más destacados es el programa de televisión Mad Men, que muestra la imagen de una oficina en donde las mentes creativas tratan de incursionar en el verdadero mundo de los negocios. La cuarta temporada […]

4 Design Imperatives for Effective Learning Design

“In the industry, things become recognized as tools or tricks that serve to drive learning and behavior change. The problem is that they can become hyped up and misapplied. What good learning is, quite simply: evidence-based practice on what works applied in the right context for the right reasons.”
-Ella Richardson, Director of Learning Design, LEO Learning

Development Hub Special: The Other Afghanistans


A few months ago, news that shook the world coming from Afghanistan and its takeover by the Taliban brought a poignant element involving the education of girls, which included a saga involving an all-girls robotics team. As we speak, the new government seems to be conceding in some of its initial intent to prohibit all […]

Meta Analysis Review (2021): Teacher’s Invisible Hand?

Meta Analysis Review (2021): Teacher's Invisible Hand?

Increasingly, we see more and more strategies that teachers seek to create a channel of attention, in which students are attracted and interested. And with advances in tools and technology this has allowed these strategies to produce results. But if after a year with only virtual learning students return to the classroom, will these strategies […]