Now you can restrict access to all the course activities until a specific password is entered by the student by using the “Restriction by Password” plugin.
Restriction by Password plugin allows youactivities, to setup password access on all resources and activities in your Moodle course which will be requested from students before they can access the activity / resource for the first time. For subsequent access, the availability plugin remembers that the student has already given the correct password once .
Currently it doesn’t support the restriction applied to sections in a course, it can only be applied to single activities/resources.
The main thing about using this plugin which I liked the most is the restrictions which can be applied on its usage. It is not available as an general availability to all, you need to assign the availability/password:addinstance to users who are going to use this. By default it is granted to managers, coursecreators and editing teachers at plugin installation time.
You can download the “restriction by Password” plugin from the Moodle plugins database through – The plugin is available for Moodle 3.0 version.
The plugin is also awarded by the Reviewer’s Choice badge on Moodle Plugins database which is awarded by plugins guardians and reviewers for particularly useful, well coded or otherwise interesting plugins.
Do you ever thought/required of protecting your course activities based on the password access? Do let us know in the comments below.