Merging two classes the easy way

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Here’s a scenario: you have two courses that should actually be one.  Combining them as is will intermix all of the resources and activities in the original topics you have.  Perhaps there’s a chronological sequence that makes but it will be easier to do once you have the courses merged.  The import feature of Moodle is a great resource for this.

First, go into one of the courses and add an additional number of topics equal to that of the other course to be part of the merger in the course settings (note, if these are two live courses you’ll want to make a copy of one to be your working area).

Second, use the slick drag and drop feature to move all of the topic areas to make room for what is being imported (the imported topics will always import 1 to 1; 2 to 2; 3 to 3, etc.).

Merging two classes the easy way

Once all of the topics are moved to make room for the merger, use the import feature to import everything from the other course.

Merging two classes the easy way

The several step process will let you pick and choose which resources and activities are imported from the other course into this new merged course.  Et Voila! The two courses are now merged and you can easily rearrange the resources and topics using drag and drop.

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